Patrik Hahne
Patrik has many years of experience in business development in businesses within green technology and entrepreneurship. He has a long background in corporate management with several different CEO and board roles in Sweden, the Nordic countries and Asia, as well as several different Group management positions. Patrik worked for over nineteen years in the Addtech Group with both acquisitions, onboarding and collaborations between subsidiaries. Most recently, he comes from the cleantech company Enequi, which he co-founded. Enequi works with energy optimization and power balancing in properties with their own patents via energy storage.
KTH, IFL, Stockholm School of Economics Corporate Governance
Other board assignments
Chairman of the board:
- Miljö & Energi Ansvar Sverige AB
- Galileus AB
- SBS- Soltech Business Support 3.0 AB
Board member of:
- 365zon
- Afsens Fastighetsbolag AB
- E-Mobility (Kalema E-mobility AB)
- Elektrikerna Västra Götaland AB
- Essaglas & Aluminium AB
- Fasadsystem i Stenkullen AB
- Provektor Sweden AB
- Soldags i Sverige AB
- Soltech Energy Solutions 1988 AB
- SUD Renovables
- TG:s El AB
- Rams El
200 014 shares
422 500 warrants