Soltech’s subsidiary Neabgruppen part of large electricity and solar energy project with an order value of approx. SEK 12 million
The Soltech Group's latest acquisition in the electrical engineering industry, Neabgruppen, has now signed an agreement with the Norwegian construction group Betonmast. The agreement covers electrical installations in 85 apartments with connecting business premises in the newly developed area "Kvarteret Hanna" in Burlöv. One of the properties will also have a solar energy solution on the roof. Construction will start during winter 2021/22.
Soltech has an offensive growth strategy with acquisitions in the solar, roof, facade, and electrical engineering industries. Together, these companies will create synergy effects and build a strong group with cross-border expertise regarding sustainable solar solutions
The Soltech Group's most recent acquisition, the electrical engineering company Neabgruppen, wigh business in southern Sweden, Stockholm and Norrköping, among others, has now entered into a new agreement with the Norwegian building and construction group Betonmast. The agreement applies to both electrical installations in apartments and business premises, a health center section, and a roof-mounted solar energy solution.
– I am very proud that we have been entrusted to carry out this prestigious project. Betonmast is a strategically important partner for us and a reputable player, both in Norway but also in Sweden. We look forward to contributing together to the development of an area that will be characterized and built on sustainability values, says Pelle Norberg, CEO of Neabgruppen.
– I would like to congratulate the whole of Neabgruppen for this agreement, which includes both electrical technology and solar energy. Our strategy to gain both expertise and business opportunities through acquisitions of companies in the electrical engineering, roofing and facade industries has once again proved to be successful, says Stefan Ölander, CEO of Soltech Energy.