Soltech initiates process to identify investors for solar park portfolio of more than 1,000 MWp
Soltech Energy's subsidiary Soltech Energy Solutions has commissioned an international, reputable financial advisor to identify investors for a majority of the solar park project portfolio of more than 1,000 MWp that has been built up over the past two years. The total remaining portfolio is thus significantly larger than the 300 MWp portion that Solgrid recently became a partner in, a deal in which the estimated future order value for Soltech amounts to between SEK 700 and 1,000 million, in the first stage.
Over the past two years, Soltech Energy Solutions has established a business area focusing on the development of solar park projects. The project portfolio developed includes building rights and land agreements and the majority of the projects are located in the SE4 area. In order to further develop the projects with permit approval and later construction, very large investments are required.
Soltech's focus regarding solar parks is to develop projects, build and manage operation and maintenance. Focus is not ownership of solar parks, with the exception of Soltech's own solar park in Öringe, which is currently being built. Therefore, the goal is to find investors with the ambition to become long-term owners of the solar parks and together with Soltech, further develop the portfolio through contracting and construction. In addition to the existing portfolio, Soltech continues to search for and secure new projects on an ongoing basis.
A transaction such as the one Soltech Energy Solutions is planning with the help of an external financial advisor, would mean that the solar park projects in the portfolio can be made ready for construction faster with the help of external financing and external co-ownership. When the projects then gradually become ready for construction, Soltech has the exclusive right to build. This means that the solar park portfolio would constitute a significant secured business opportunity.
The benefits for Soltech are many. Soltech does not need to finance the large-scale project development of the solar park portfolio itself via a new share issue or take up large loans. The plan is instead to realize shares of the portfolio in the near future and then have the opportunity for long and stable revenues over time from construction, operation, maintenance and support services such as large battery solutions.
Currently, details about the time plan or valuation of the portfolio cannot be disclosed as it is too early in the process. But in order to begin the work of finding investors, the news must be shared with the public market.
– Soltech Energy Solutions has quickly built up a business area for solar parks that has great financial value for the Group and that we look forward to developing together with one or more investors. Our goal is for this to accelerate the green energy transition as well as Soltech's growth and profitability, says Stefan Ölander, CEO of Soltech Energy.