Soltech sells 11 MW Ramsjöholm Solpark to Alight
Soltech Energy Solutions has entered into an agreement for the sale of solar park Ramsjöholm to the solar energy company Alight. The divestment is in line with Soltech’s strategy for the project portfolio consisting of large-scale solar park and battery projects.
Soltech’s long-term strategy for the more than 2,000 MWp project portfolio is to develop projects, build and manage operation and maintenance. Not to own the commissioned parks, with the exception of Soltech’s self-owned battery park in Malmö and solar park in Öringe.
After identification and analysis of the optimal geographical location for the installation, environmental assessments, design, construction and commissioning, the 140,000 sqm solar park, located just outside Falkenberg, is now being sold to the solar energy company Alight. The operation and maintenance of the solar park will continue to be handled by Soltech through an operation and maintenance agreement between the companies.
– The divestment of the solar park is a natural step in our long-term strategy and we are very pleased with the agreement with Alight. Christoffer Caesar at Soltech Energy Solutions and the entire solar park team have done a fantastic job with everything from construction, refinement and now the sale of the solar park. This deal is an acknowledgement of our ability to develop competitive projects from start to finish, which now have been divested to the competent investor Alight, which feels very confident about the further development of our strong project portfolio, says Patrik Hahne, CEO of Soltech Energy.
– This is a milestone transaction for Alight, as it’s the first acquisition of a commissioned project in our portfolio. We are primarily investing our capital in projects we have developed ourselves, but the Ramsjöholm solar park provided a very attractive opportunity to grow our operating solar portfolio. Soltech has done a fantastic job developing and commissioning this solar park and we are open to doing further acquisitions of mature projects in all Nordic countries, says Richard Nicolin, co-founder and Chief Investment Officer at Alight.
Read more about the solar park here: