Soltech installs 2 000 m2 of solar energy for XXL in Örebro
XXL Sport and Vildmark will have a solar energy solution at their department store in Örebro. Soltech's subsidiary Swede Energy will construct and build a solar energy solution of a total of 2,000 m2 on the buildings flat roof. The construction will start at the end of 2021.
Swede Energy has a vast experience of building large roof-mounted solar energy solutions on logistics and retail properties. The company has now been commissioned by the Nordic region's largest sports chain, XXL, to build a roof-mounted solar energy solution at the XXL store in Örebro. The whole facility will measure 2,000 m2 and generate green energy for the department store's operation.
– It feels great that we now have cooperation with the Nordic region's largest sports chain, which clearly sees the value of green energy power. We are convinced that other chain stores will follow, as solar energy is an excellent alternative for property owners and store owners with ambitions to advance within sustainability, says Christoffer Caesar, CEO of Swede Energy.
Solar energy is the way forward for XXL
XXL is the Nordic region's largest sports chain and has 90 department stores in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Austria, of which 29 are located in Sweden. XXL has declared a sustainability strategy to reduce its carbon footprint by placing strict demands on external products that the chain sells, but also to continue its internal efforts for more solar energy.
– For XXL, sustainability is important at all levels and the solar energy solution at our department store in Örebro will be a clear step along the way. We have high demands on our sustainability efforts and solar energy is fully in line with our ambition to reduce our CO2 emissions by 55 percent by 2030. We are very much looking forward to our first solar cell plant in Sweden, says Anders Lindblom, CEO of XXL Sweden.