Soltech becomes a partner of Sweden’s Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai – carried out in 2021!
At the Swedish pavilion "The Forest", 500 m2 of the roof will be covered by Soltech's product "ShingEl" and 500 m2 of the facade with Soltech's product "Facade". The pavilion is based on the idea of the extensive freedom and wilderness in a forest. With renewable solar energy on roofs and facades, the energy solution is also endless and fits well with the pavilion's concept and the message that Sweden wants to send to the visitors of the Expo. For Soltech, the collaboration means not only exposure but also a positive business value.
– “We need to prepare for a reality where the world, Sweden, and companies are resuming operations and where everyday life is returning to normal after the Corona crisis. It is important to be able to show long-term sustainable solar solutions that are aesthetically pleasing and adapted to modern design and architecture. We are confident that the exposure and attention that our products will receive in Dubai will lead to exciting business opportunities both in Sweden and internationally, says Stefan Ölander, CEO of Soltech Energy
The products "ShingEl" and "Facade" have integrated solar cells with a design that makes the roof and facade both stylish and energy efficient. The possibilities of integrated solar cells are many and it is a market with rapid growth and great needs. The target group for "ShingEl" is both villas and commercial properties. Facade is especially suitable for properties with larger areas such as factory and logistics premises or cool schoolbuildings and sports arenas.
– We are very pleased to have signed an agreement with Soltech as our sponsor for solar energy. Their integrated products will fit well into our futuristic design of the pavilion, says Staffan Schartner, Head of Construction on the Committee for Sweden's Participation
It is with both joy but also a portion of thoughtfulness and careful consideration that the agreement has been signed in these times of Coronavirus. At the same time, it is proof of Soltech's drive and ambitions. Of course, all planning and participation in Expo 2020 in Dubai will continue to follow the guidelines provided. The World Exhibition is postponed and will take place between October 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022. The name Expo 2020 will remain.
For more information contact:
Stefan Ölander, VD Soltech Energy Sweden AB (publ) Tel: 070-739 80 00. E-post:
About Soltech Energy Sweden AB (publ)
Soltech is a comprehensive supplier that develops, sells, installs and optimizes solar energy solutions for our customers' needs. The group includes the subsidiaries Advanced Soltech Sweden AB (publ) where the Chinese venture is conducted, Soltech Sales & Support, NP-Group, Swede Energy Power Solutions, Merasol, Soldags, Takorama and Fasadsystem. Soltech Energy Sweden AB (publ), is traded on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market under the short name SOLT and has approximately 33,000 shareholders. The company's Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bank. Phone: 08-463 83 00. Email: For more information see: