12 July 2024

Soltech’s Chairman of the Board leaves the option program for the management and acquires shares shares for the proceeds.

Soltech Energy Sweden AB launched an option program for key persons at the 2023 general meeting. The option program did not include board members.

In the spring of 2023, then CEO Stefan Ölander subscribed for warrants for SEK 1,331,200. Since Stefan Ölander is no longer employed by Soltech, the board and Stefan Ölander have agreed that Stefan will no longer be included in the option program and the option proceeds have been repaid.

Stefan Ölander, who has been chairman of the board since the general meeting on May 21, 2024, has chosen to buy shares in Soltech Energy for the entire repaid amount of SEK 1,331,200. Stefan now owns a total of 2 026 520 shares and is still the company’s single largest owner.