3 December 2024

Comment on extraordinary movements in Soltech’s stock on 2 December

In connection with Nasdaq’s opening on 2 December, there was extraordinary movement in Soltech’s share. This prompted extra volatile trading during the day. Neither Soltech nor any external party had communicated anything about Soltech over the weekend or Monday morning that could trigger this reaction. According to information from Nasdaq, the same scenario occurred in several instruments. Soltech’s management has reported the incident to the Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen).

Soltech operates in a long-term growing market for solar energy solutions and associated areas, and we look positively at the future where solar energy and Soltech’s comprehensive solutions create great opportunities over time. The upcoming EU requirements for solar energy on properties and increased charging infrastructure, community electrification and the energy transition are expected to have a long-term positive impact on both society and Soltech.