19 September 2024

Soltech commission Solpark Ramsjöholm of approximately 140,000 sqm

Solpark Ramsjöholm is completed and commissioned by Soltech Energy Solutions. The installed capacity is 11 MW and the solar panels will produce around 11 GWh of electricity annually, which corresponds to the annual household electricity consumption* of approximately 2,200 houses. The solar park will increase the share of solar energy in the overall energy mix and contribute to the green transition. Going forward, the solar park will be divested in line with Soltech’s strategy for the project portfolio of solar park and battery projects.

Soltech Energy Solutions is one of the Soltech Group’s operating companies in advanced energy systems and large-scale solar energy solutions on roofs and grounds. In recent years, the company has established a business area with a focus on the development of solar park projects, which in many cases also include energy storage. The company has now designed, built and commissioned the 11 MW Solpark Ramsjöholm, located just outside Falkenberg.

Soltech’s strategy for solar and battery parks is to develop, build and later on manage the daily operation and maintenance of the divested projects. In line with this strategy, Solpark Ramsjöholm will in the future be divested when the right opportunity comes.

– We are proud to announce that Solpark Ramsjöholm has been commissioned and is now producing and selling solar electricity to the local electricity grid. It is a fantastic installation and the solar park team has, as usual, performed and done an outstanding job, says Christoffer Caesar, CEO of Soltech Energy Solutions.

Grazing sheep and plants
The site has been chosen based on its good conditions for solar energy, which according to solar radiation maps, is among Sweden’s best, and because there is an accessible and nearby electricity grid connection. In addition to the electricity production, the solar park will also create conditions for increased biodiversity in the area. The park is inhabited by a flock of sheep that graze between the panels and allows for an increased presence of variable vegetation, insects and bees. Ivy is also planted around the park to allow the fence to blend into the lush green environment.

– When we develop and build solar parks, it is a high priority for us to protect the surrounding environment. This can be done through a number of different initiatives depending on the conditions of the area. A great opportunity is the combination of land usage when the solar park is grazed by a herd of sheep, which makes the land rich in plants and insects, while at the same time you do not have to mow the grass. The sheep also get much-needed shade under the panels on hot summer days, while the panels produce green electricity, concludes Axel Öhman, Project manager solar parks at Soltech Energy Solutions.

Facts – Solpark Ramsjöholm

  • The solar park has an installed capacity of 11 MW
  • The installation will produce approximately 11 GWh of electricity annually
  • Through initiatives such as sowing meadow plants, ivy and grazing, the solar park will contribute to increased biodiversity in the area

*Household electricity consumption calculated at 5,000 kWh/year.