Stockholm, May 12, 2022: Soltech Energy's Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday, May 12, 2022, chaired by Göran Starkebo, member of the Board.

Adoption of income statement and balance sheet
The Annual General Meeting approved the income statement and balance sheet for the Parent Company as well as the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet for the financial year 2021.

Disposition of results
The Annual General Meeting resolved that no dividend be paid for the financial year 2021 and that the accumulated profit be transferred to a new account in accordance with what appears from the administration report.

Board of Directors and CEO
The Annual General Meeting granted the Board members and the President discharge from liability for the 2021 financial year.

The Annual General Meeting elected the Board members Mats Holmfeldt, Vivianne Holm, Hellen Wohlin Lidgard, Göran Starkebo, Johan Thiel and Stefan Ölander. Mats Holmfeldt was elected Chairman of the Board.

The Annual General Meeting resolved to re-elect the registered auditing company PwC with the authorized public accountant Claes Sjödin as the principal auditor.

Board and auditor fees
The Annual General Meeting resolved that board fees shall be paid in the amount of SEK 500,000 to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 250,000 each to other Board members. The AGM resolved that the fees for a member of established committees shall be SEK 40,000 per person and committee. The chairman of the committee shall receive a fee of SEK 60,000. A member who is reimbursed by the company due to employment shall not, however, receive board fees, either in the parent company or subsidiaries.

Other proposals and decisions
The Annual General Meeting resolved to approve the Board's proposal in accordance with the notice of:

  • Decision to adopt proposed guidelines on nomination committee principles
  • Changes in the Articles of Association:
    • Increase of the share capital to a minimum of SEK 3,000,000 and a maximum of SEK 7,500,000
    • The number of shares is a minimum of 60,000,000 and a maximum of 150,000,000
  • Renewed authorization to decide on a new issue of shares and / or convertibles and / or warrants.

The minutes of the Annual General Meeting will be published on the Company's website

More information is available at

One of the Soltech Group's subsidiaries, Soltech Energy Solutions, has a new large solar energy assignment in an industrial area just south of Jönköping. The solar energy company will build a 4 MW solar installation on Infrahub's property where Svenska Retursystem will operate. The installation will be commissioned during 2022/23 and the order value amounts to SEK 25 million.

Soltech Energy Solutions is a nationwide solar energy company that, together with other community builders, supports property owners, industries, and landowners with large-scale solar energy solutions. The company has has signed an agreement to build a large roof-mounted solar energy solution on Infrahub's property in Södra Stigamo, a logistics area, in Vaggeryd municipality.

– It feels great to be able to help Infrahubs and Svenska Retursystem with this sustainable initiative. It will be one of the largest roof-based solar installations in Sweden and will produce large amounts of green energy for the business and at the same time make secure a solution less sensitive to high electricity prices, says Rickard Lantz, Business Development Manager, Soltech Energy Solutions.

Food logistics with a focus on sustainability
Svenska Retursystem develops the grocery industry's common reusable system for distribution of goods based on a completely circular process. The new logistics facility in Vaggeryd will have one of Sweden's largest roof-placed solar installations with an estimated annual production of 3.7 GWh.

– In the power shift to renewables, solar energy plays an important part. Svenska Retursystem has high goals for increased sustainability in the reusable system. By adding more renewable energy to the existing electricity system, we can help the change to renewable energy instead of fossile energy. We are pleased that Infrahubs have agreed with Soltech on a large roof-mounted solar energy solution at our upcoming logistics facility in Vaggeryd, says Hans Byström, Purchasing Manager, Svenska Retursystem.

The first panel set up for the new solar energy solution is now taking place at an ICA store in Borås. The installation is being built by the Soltech companies Soltech Energy Solutions and Provektor and will cover approximately 14% of the property's electricity needs. This will be the start of an assignment from ICA Fastigheter, which also involves three more solar installations on retail properties around Sweden. Commissioning of the solar facility in Borås is planned for the summer of 2022.

The solar energy company Soltech Energy Solutions develops solutions for large landowners, property owners and logistic businesses with large-scale solar energy projects as well as charging and storage solutions.

The solar energy company will now build a 4,000 sqm solar energy solution for ICA Fastigheter in Borås on the property for Maxi ICA Stormarknad. In addition to Soltech Energy Solutions, Provektor, an electrical engineering company in the Soltech Group, will carry out the electrical installations.

The solar energy solution in Borås is the first in a series of installations that the Soltech Group will carry out for ICA Fastigheter. During the spring and summer, solar installations will also be constructed on three of ICA Fastigheter's retail properties in Ludvika, Halmstad and Nacka.

– It feels fantastic that we can help ICA Fastigheter with several large-scale solar energy solutions. The solar installation in Borås will be the first to be constructed and it feels great that the first panel is now being installed, says Jesper Ståhlberg, Key Account Manager, Soltech Energy Solutions.

The Soltech company Soltech Energy Solutions has been commissioned to build a 38,000 sq m solar energy solution for Coop Sverige AB consisting of CFP * -certified panels with recycled silicon from Norway and silicon from Germany and the USA. The facility will be installed at Coop's new, fully automated, goods terminal and will cover half of the entire property's electricity needs. The project is planned for the turn of the year 2022/2023.

The solar energy company Soltech Energy Solutions develops large-scale solar energy projects as well as charging and storage solutions for landowners, property owners and logistic developers. The solar energy company will now construct a solution for Coop Sverige in Eskilstuna. Their new fully automated goods terminal will have a 38,000 square meter roof-mounted installation.

The solar panels to be installed are CFP-certified with a mixture of recycled silicon. Silicon is one of the most important components in a solar panel and the production of silicon is energy intensive. Therefore, the climate footprint of this solar energy installation is lower, and durability is a key factor for the whole life cycle of the installation.

– The solar energy solutions at Coop's product terminal in Eskilstuna will be green in a double sense as the solar panels are CFP-certified. This is a great investment by Sweden's most sustainable brand** Coop and we are proud to have been entrusted to construct and build this installation, says Jesper Ståhlberg, Key Account Manager, Soltech Energy Solutions.

Coop's terminal will be powered entirely by renewable electricity
The solar cell solution is estimated to cover approximately 50 percent of the property's annual electricity use and the remaining electricity is purchased from other renewable energy sources. A product terminal of this size has a high electricity consumption, which makes a solar energy extra welcome. Both to secure the supply of renewable electricity but also to reduce Coop's climate footprint.

– Acting sustainably permeates all operations within Coop. Now we are investing in the future with a new fully automated terminal in Eskilstuna and then we will of course make it as smart and sustainable as possible. For us, it became obvious to invest in a large-scale solar energy installation on the roof of the terminal. We look forward to working with our partner Soltech in the installation of Sweden's largest roof-mounted solar energy solutions, says Örjan Grandin, CEO of Coop Logistik.

*CFP-certified panels are products with a better climate footprint value in their life cycle analysis. CFP stands for Carbon footprint.
** according to Sustainable Brand Index 2021

The shareholders in Soltech Energy Sweden AB (publ), corporate identity no. 556709-9436, (the “Company”) is called to the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 17:00 at Elite Hotel Stockholm Plaza, Birger Jarlsgatan 29. Registration begins at 16:30.

The Board has decided that the shareholders shall be able to exercise their voting rights at the Annual General Meeting also by postal vote in accordance with Sections 22 of the Act (2022: 121) on temporary exemptions to facilitate the conduct of general and general meetings.

Exercise of voting rights at meetings, the right to participate and registration

Shareholders who wish to exercise their voting right on site in the meeting room in person or via a representative must:

On the one hand, be entered in the share register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB no later than Wednesday
4 May 2022 (for nominee-registered shares, see also “Nominee-registered shares” below), and

On the one hand, they have announced their participation in the meeting no later than Monday, May 9, 2022, at the address Soltech Energy Sweden AB (publ). Annual General Meeting, Tegnérgatan 1, 111 40 Stockholm or via e-mail to In the notification, shareholders must state their name and social security number or company and organization number. In addition, the address, telephone number, shareholding and any assistants (maximum one) must be stated.

Shareholders may appoint a proxy. Shareholders who are represented by a proxy must issue a written and updated power of attorney for the proxy. The power of attorney is valid for a maximum of one year from the date of issue, unless the power of attorney specifically states a longer period of validity, however, for a maximum of five years from the time of issue. Authorization documents issued by a legal entity must be accompanied by authorization documents (registration certificate or equivalent). The original power of attorney and any authorization documents should be submitted to Soltech Energy Sweden AB in good time before the Annual General Meeting, however no later than 9 May 2022. Annual General Meeting, Tegnérgatan 1, 111 40 Stockholm. Proxy forms are available on the company's website,
Aktieägare som önskar utöva sin rösträtt genom poströstning skall

On the one hand, be entered in the share register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB no later than Wednesday
4 May 2022 (for nominee-registered shares, see also “Nominee-registered shares” below), and

Partially no later than Monday, May 9, 2022, register by casting your postal vote according to the instructions below so that the postal vote is received by the company no later than that day

Instructions for postal voting
To vote at the meeting, shareholders must use the postal voting form and follow the instructions available on the company's website, The postal voting form applies as a notification to the meeting. The postal voting form must be sent:

• by post to Soltech Energy Sweden AB (publ). Tegnérgatan 1, 111 40 Stockholm (mark the envelope with "Soltech Energy Annual General Meeting")

The shareholder may not provide the postal vote with special instructions or conditions.

If this happens, the vote (i.e. the individual postal vote in its entirety) is invalid.
Further instructions and conditions can be found in the postal voting form.

Nominee-registered shares
To be entitled to participate in the Annual General Meeting, a shareholder whose shares are nominee-registered through a bank or other nominee must, in addition to registering at the Annual General Meeting, have the shares registered in their own name so that the shareholder is entered in the share register on 4 May 2022. Such registration may be temporary (so-called voting rights registration) and is requested from the nominee according to the nominee's routines at such time in advance as the nominee determines and in good time before Wednesday, May 4, 2022, when such registration must be completed.

Proposed agenda
1. Opening of the meeting
2. Election of chairman at the meeting
3. Establishment and approval of the ballot paper
4. Approval of the agenda
5. Selection of one or two protocol adjusters
6. Examination of whether the meeting has been duly convened
7. Speech by the CEO
8. Presentation of the annual report and auditor's report as well as the consolidated accounts and consolidated auditor's report for the financial year 2021.
9. Decision:
i. Adoption of the income statement and balance sheet as well as the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet.
ii. Appropriations regarding the Company's earnings in accordance with the approved balance sheet.
iii. Discharge of liability for the board members and the CEO.
10. Determination of the number of board members
11. Decision on remuneration to the Board
12. Determination of auditors' fees
13. Election of board
14. Election of Chairman of the Board
15. Election of auditor
16. Resolution on nomination committee principles
17. Resolution on amendment of the Articles of Association
18. Resolution authorizing the Board of Directors to issue shares, convertibles and warrants
19. Any other decisions
20. Closing of the meeting

Proposition for resolution

Item 2 – Election of chairman of the meeting
The Board of Directors proposes that Göran Starkebo be elected Chairman of the Meeting.

Item 9 (ii) – Outline of the Company's earnings
The Board of Directors proposes that no dividend be paid to the shareholders, and that amounts available to the Annual General Meeting be transferred to a new account.

Item 10 – Determination of the number of board members
The Nomination Committee proposes that the number of board members to be elected by the AGM be six without deputies.

Items 11–12 – Determination of board fees and auditors' fees
The Nomination Committee proposes that a board fee of SEK 500,000 be paid to the Chairman of the Board and that a board fee of SEK 250,000 be paid to each of the other members of the Board. If the board establishes a committee, the fee to a member shall be SEK 40,000 per person and committee. The chairman of the committee shall receive a fee of SEK 60,000. However, a board member who is reimbursed by the Company due to employment shall not receive a fee, either in the parent company or in subsidiaries.

It is proposed to the auditor that fees be paid according to an approved invoice.

Item 13-14 – Election of board and chairman of the board
The Nomination Committee proposes the following persons to Board members and Chairman of the Board for the period until the next Annual General Meeting:

Board members

a) Mats Holmfeldt (re-election)
b) Vivianne Holm (new election)
c) Hellen Wohlin Lidgard (re-election)
d) Göran Starkebo (re-election)
e) Johan Thiel (new election)
f) Stefan Ölander (re-election)

Chairman of the Board

g) Mats Holmfeldt

Anna Kinberg Batra and Jimmie Wiklund have declined re-election for the coming period.

The Nomination Committee's proposal for new members Vivianne Holm and Johan Thiel is considered to possess the competence required to contribute to the company's expansion in a good and constructive manner. The Nomination Committee proposes Mats Holmfeldt as Chairman, who is currently a member of the Board as a member, and is considered by the Nomination Committee to have the right competence for the assignment as Chairman of the company.

Information on all proposed board members is available at governance/

Item 15 – Election of auditor
The Nomination Committee proposes that the Annual General Meeting, for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting, re-elect PricewaterhouseCoopers i Sverige AB (PWC) as the Company's auditor. PWC has announced that in the event that PWC is elected, PWC will appoint Claes Sjödin as the principal auditor.

Item 16 – Decide nomination committee principles
The Nomination Committee is appointed by the Chairman of the Board contacting at least three of the largest shareholders in the Company in terms of votes as of September 30, 2022, who (if they so wish) may each appoint a representative to constitute the Company's Nomination Committee. If any of the three largest shareholders waives their right to appoint a member to the Nomination Committee, such right shall pass to the next shareholder in the order of magnitude, who has not already been offered the opportunity to appoint a member of the Nomination Committee.

It is up to the nomination committee to appoint its chairman.

The Nomination Committee shall otherwise follow the principles in the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance.

Item 17 – Resolution on amendment of the Articles of Association
The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting resolves to amend the Articles of Association. This is in order to provide opportunities for the Board to act quickly when there is a need to issue new shares either for company acquisitions or issue procedures. The Board proposes the following:

• The limits for the company's share capital (§ 4 of the Articles of Association) change from the lowest SEK 2,000,000 and a maximum of SEK 6,000,000 to a minimum of SEK 3,000,000 and a maximum SEK 7,500,000.
• The limits for the company's number of shares (§ 5 of the Articles of Association) are changed from a minimum of 40,000,000 and a maximum of 120,000,000 to a minimum of 60,000,000 and a maximum of 150,000,000.

Item 18 – Resolution authorizing the Board of Directors to decide on a new issue of shares and the issue of warrants and convertibles.
The Board proposes that the Annual General Meeting resolves to authorize the Board to, until one or more occasions, decide on a new issue of shares and / or issue of convertibles and / or warrants until the next Annual General Meeting, even with deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights. The shares, convertibles and / or warrants must be able to be subscribed for against cash payment or against payment by set-off, by contributing in kind, or otherwise with conditions. The authorization is limited to the number of shares in the case of a new issue or in the issue of warrants and convertibles, the number of warrants and convertible debentures that may involve issuance or conversion to the corresponding number of shares, calculated at the time of issue of such warrants or convertibles. on number of shares.

Item 20 – Closing of the Meeting

Provision of documents
Annual report documents and the auditor's report as well as the Board's complete proposal as above will be kept available at the Company's offices for at least three weeks before the meeting and sent free of charge to shareholders who have notified that they wish to receive such information from the Company. All documents will also be available at the same time on the Company's website,

Information on the number of shares and votes and on the holding of own shares
The total number of shares and votes in the company at the time of this notice was 97,140,849. All issued shares have equal voting rights. The company does not hold any own shares.

Majority requirements
Resolutions pursuant to items 16 and 17 above are valid only if they have been supported by shareholders with two thirds of both the votes cast and the shares represented at the meeting.

Shareholders' right to request information
The Board of Directors and the CEO shall, if any of the shareholders so request and the Board considers that this can be done without significant damage to the company, provide the Annual General Meeting with information on circumstances that may affect the assessment of a matter on the agenda and circumstances that may affect the assessment of the company's financial situation. The disclosure obligation also refers to the company's relationship with another group company and the consolidated accounts, as well as such matters regarding subsidiaries as are referred to in the first paragraph.


Stockholm April 2022
Soltech Energy Sweden AB (publ)
The Board of directors

On March 31, Soltech Energy Sweden AB (publ) acquired 40 percent of the shares in the subsidiary Din Takläggare i Värmland-Dalsland AB (Din Takläggare). Soltech now owns 100 percent of the company. At the same time, the Group makes its first bolt-on acquisition by acquiring 100 percent of the solar energy company Solexperterna Värmland AB (Solexperterna). The acquired company will be part of the now wholly owned subsidiary Din Takläggare from 1 April. This further strengthens Din Takläggare's solar energy competence and installation capacity. Solexperterna are expected to contribute with approximately SEK 5 million in sales during 2022. The acquisitions are financed entirely from its own assets and with newly issued Soltech shares.

Soltech acquired 60 percent of Din Takläggare on September 29, 2020 and is now acquiring the remaining 40 percent. The company is active in roofing and solar energy mainly in Värmland and Dalsland. Since joining the Group, Din Takläggare has been involved in three solar energy installations in its ambition to become, in line with Soltech's transformation strategy, a roofing company that also offers solar energy services.

They are now given even better opportunities when the Group completes its first additional acquisition, also known as a bolt-on acquisition. It is the solar energy company Solexperterna that is acquired and merged into the subsidiary.

– It feels very good that we are acquiring the remaining part of Din Takläggare and at the same time making a bolt-on acquisition that strengthens their business area solar energy. We work actively to develop our subsidiaries, both organically and through strategic bolt-on acquisitions such as this. Our subsidiaries will always be given the best possible conditions to grow and take new market shares, says Stefan Ölander, CEO of Soltech Energy.

A bolt-on acquisition that creates competitive advantages
Solexperterna are active in Värmland and the surrounding area and provide their customers business with a wide range of services in solar energy solutions with a holistic and sustainable perspective. The company currently has about 5 employees and has previously worked closely with Din Takläggare, of which it is now a part.

– We take an exciting new step on our growth journey. Solexperterna is a very competent solar energy company that we earlier have had a great collaboration with. The fact that we are now acquiring their solar energy competence will create even greater value for us in the future and we are very pleased that Soltech is helping us with this bolt-on acquisition, says Håkan Wennberg, CEO of Din Takläggare.

On March 21, Soltech Energy Sweden AB (publ) acquired 30 percent of the shares in the subsidiary Fasadsystem i Stenkullen AB (Fasadsystem) with access on March 21, 2022. Soltech Energy now owns 100 percent of the company and the acquisition of the remaining shares in the company is a part of the ongoing work to strengthen Soltech's offering in solar facades. Fasadsystem has 38 employees and sales of almost SEK 95 million in 2021 with a profit of just over SEK 10 million (EBIT). The acquisition is financed entirely from its own assets and with newly issued Soltech shares.

Soltech acquired 70 percent of Fasadsystem on April 23 2020 and is now acquiring the remaining 30 percent. An agreement was signed on March 21, with the meaning that Soltech increases their investment the façade segment as well as in solar cell facades. Fasadsystem gets an even larger opportunity to broaden their offering in large-scale solar cell facades, in addition to their core business.

– Fasadsystem is a successful family business and a much-appreciated company within the Soltech Group. They are involved in several of our most notable solar energy projects, and we clearly see that solar cell facades are an appreciated segment among our customers. It is therefore with pleasure that we acquire the remaining part of the company, says Stefan Ölander, CEO of Soltech Energy.

Builds Sweden's largest solar cell facade
Fasadsystem is one of Western Sweden's leading companies in the facade industry with over 40 years of experience in various solutions and cutting-edge expertise for the development of modern, functional, and stylish facades.

Since Fasadsystem became part of the Soltech Group, they have also been able to offer large-scale sustainable, aesthetic and technically smart building-integrated solar energy solutions for facades. The company is, among other things, involved in what will be Sweden's largest solar cell façade in Jönköping and Wallenstam's colorful solar cell façade in Mölnlycke Fabriker.

– Now we will get an even better opportunity to develop our high-quality facade products and continue to offer large-scale solar energy solutions to new and existing customers. We thrive in the Soltech Group, and this is a natural step that give us and our staff better new ways to meet at future where solar cell facades are becoming increasingly important for the construction and real estate industry, says Tommie Standerth, CEO of Fasadsystem.

NP Gruppen, a subsidiary in the Soltech Group, has won a solar energy procurement in Malmö. The roofing company will install solar energy installations on 13 properties. The installations are being carried out for MKB Fastighets AB and is expected to be completed during 2022.

Stockholm based NP Gruppen was acquired in 2019 and was Soltech's first roofing company with a history that stretches all the way back to the 60s. Since joining the Soltech Group, they have transformed into a roofing specialist that also offers solar energy solutions. NP Gruppen has completed several solar energy projects in the past year and has its own solar energy business area.

The procurement applies to 13 properties in Malmö that will have roof-placed solar energy systems installed. The properties are owned by MKB Fastighets AB, one of Sweden's largest public housing companies.

The properties that will get the solar energy solutions are apartment buildings and one of the houses is a student residence. It will be NP Gruppens third project in southern Sweden and Marcus Juhlin, solar energy manager at NP Gruppen, is happy about the upcoming solar energy project.

– We are very proud of the confidence and to collaborate with a customer who makes a great sustainability investment. We are more than ready to start the work so that more people in Malmö get their homes powered with the help of solar energy, says Marcus Juhlin, Solar energy manager at NP Gruppen.

Sweden's largest solar park connected to one individual industry, Åbro Bryggeri in Vimmerby. The park will be built by Soltech Energy's subsidiary, Soltech Energy Solutions. The solar park will cover an area of 10 hectares and will make Åbro Bryggeri completely energy self-sufficient with solar power. The park is planned to be in full activity during the latter part of 2022.

Soltech Energy Solutions is a nationwide solar energy company in the Soltech Group that helps property owners, industries, and landowners with large-scale solar energy solutions. The company will now build what will be Sweden's largest solar park constructed for one individual actor, Åbro Bryggeri.

Åbro Solpark will be built in proximity of the brewery and will cover an area of approximately 100 000 square meters. The solar power production from the park will be used directly by the brewery and this climate investment will make Åbro completely self-sufficient of energy.

– Åbro Bryggeri is making an extraordinary solar energy investment with a 100 000 square meter solar park that is being built right next to the brewery. It is a well-established family business with impressive sustainability ambitions, and we are very happy to once again have the confidence to help them with large-scale solar energy installations, says Rickard Lantz, Business Development Manager at Soltech Energy Solutions.

An area of over 14 football fields
Since 2018, the brewery has also had a roof-mounted solar energy solution of 3,500 square meters that covered approximately 5 percent of the business's annual energy needs, also built by Soltech.

Now that Åbro Solpark is to be built, the solar energy from both the roof and the solar park will abundantly cover the brewery's energy needs. Åbro Solpark will be 10 hectares in size, which corresponds to just over 14 full-size football fields and will deliver over 8,000,000 kWh to Åbro's operations.

– Sustainability efforts is with us in everything we do at Åbro Bryggeri. Investing in a solar park that enables us to become completely self-sufficient in solar and at the same time further reduce our climate footprint is a natural step for us in that work. We want to thank Soltech for a good collaboration, says Henrik Dunge, CEO of Åbro Bryggeri.

Two of Soltech Energy's subsidiaries, Soltech Energy Solutions and Takorama, will assist the real estate company Castellum with solar energy and roofing. Eight properties in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Jönköping will get a solar energy solution on their roofs. Two of the properties will also have their roofs redone to better accommodate the solar panels. The installations and roof restoration will be completed during the first half of 2022.

Soltech has an offensive growth strategy with acquisitions in the solar, roof, facade and electrical engineering industries. The acquired companies will together create synergies and build a strong group with cross-border expertise. Two of the Soltech Group's companies will now jointly help Castellum with additional sustainable solar energy and roofing solutions. One of several projects that proves the acquisition strategy to be successful.

Soltech Energy Solutions will build solar energy solutions on eight of the property company's properties. Prior to the solar energy installations, two of the properties will also have their roofs restored by Takorama.

– We already have a good cooperation with Castellum and it feels great that we have started the solar energy year 2022 together. Soltech has the ambition to be a community builder that drives a sustainable society transformation, and it is therefore a joy to cooperate with a real estate company that invests heavily to be a world leader in that area, says Markus Duseus, Regional Manager at Soltech Energy Solutions.

More than halfway to reach the goal
Since 2020, Castellum has had a goal of building 100 large photovoltaic plants within five years. Already in the autumn of 2021, the company was halfway and facility number 50 became the solar cell facility at City Gross' grocery store in Jönköping, which was also built by Soltech. Now the real estate company keep moving forward with more solar power in sight.

– Large-scale solar energy solutions are the future. It therefore feels very good that we have agreed with Soltech on the new solar energy solutions on our properties in several cities. We see this as one of many important steps to continue to be a real estate company that really makes a difference and takes responsibility in the most important issue of our time, says Max Börling, project manager for Castellum's solar cell investment.